Greeneville Hamfest Commercial Building Inside Vendor Policy

All Vendors – Purchase of an admission ticket and inside space is a binding agreement to the following policies:

Alcohol, firearms, pornographic or offensive materials, explosives, items deemed inappropriate by the hamfest staff or fairgrounds staff, or any other items prohibited by local, state, or federal law are prohibited from being sold or displayed.

  1.   No extension cords or cables will be allowed to cross public walkways on the floor.  Overhead is OK provided they are high enough off the floor to pose no safety hazard.
  2.   All extension cords should be one complete cable with no splices or taped areas covering breaks in the insulation.   Daisy chained or spliced extension cords are prohibited.
  3.    Vendors will not be admitted to the commercial building until all rental tables are staged for setup.   We anticipate this to be around 3:00 pm on Friday after the entrance gate opens but could be later.
  4.   Greeneville Hamfest cannot guarantee immediate assistance to vendors in unloading or loading.    If you need assistance, be prepared to wait until someone is available to help.
  5.   All your items must be within your space and not obstruct the walkways or be a trip hazard.  No exceptions.  Any vendor in violation must comply or will be asked to leave with no refund given.
  6.  The building manager may approve a change in the space limitations if no safety hazard is created.
  7.   Vendors with spaces next to other vendors may give permission to overlap items or tables  but are not required to.
  8.   Vendors are required to purchase one general admission ticket per person and will be be issued passes to be allowed in the Commercial Building during setup times.
  9.   Overnight security will be provided by Greeneville Hamfest during the hours the Commercial Building is closed.   Only authorized Hamfest staff will be allowed in the Commercial Building after hours.  Greeneville Hamfest will not be responsible for any losses during setup times, before, during and after the hamfest.
  10.    Setup times are from 3 pm to 10 pm on Friday,  April 19th and 7 am to 7:45 am Saturday,  April 20th.   Only those with vendor passes or Hamfest staff will be allowed in the building during setup times.
  11.   All vehicles unloading shall be removed from the Commercial Building Entrance closest to the restrooms by 7:20 am.
  12.   Before the commercial building is opened at 7:30 am a safety inspection will be  completed.  Any items or tables that are in or near the walkways and pose a safety hazard must be removed or relocated at the direction of the safety inspector.
  13.   Official ending time of the event will be approximately 12 noon after the main drawing.  The Fairgrounds will close by 3 pm and all participants are asked to exit the gate from the fenced-in area by this time.