Inside Spaces with Power

Contact Joe Bowman to discuss your needs.

Vehicles will be allowed to drive through the commercial building this year.

Overnight security is provided for all inside spaces between the hours of 10 pm and 7:30 am and access to the building is restricted to inside vendors and authorized hamfest staff during these times only.

Tables are not provided with any space and you may bring your own or rent from the hamfest.  6 ft tables are rented @ $10 per table and must be reserved in advance.  There are a limited number of tables available.  To reserver your booth space and tables, visit

Please read the vender policy below.  This also applies to outside flea market venders.

Greeneville Hamfest Inside Vendor Policy –  All Inside Vendors Must Read

All spaces inside either side of the center are now open between the columns. The booths have been permanently removed that were on the north side of the center walkway.

Each space has access to a 120 v outlet.   Each 10×10 space is $10 each.

Center Spaces

Center spaces are 10×10 and will accommodate 2 tables per space with a walkway on either side.   Each space has access to a 120 v outlet that hangs down from overhead.  Cost per space is $10 each.  We only sell center spaces after the wall spaces are filled.

Contact Joe for information.


Please bring your own extension cords and read our inside vendor policy.